Monday, January 22, 2007

Firefox 2.x.x Removing Tab Scroller

You can remove Firefox 2.0 or higher tab scroller, an invention annoying like linux distros simple as walking few miles on your hands . Just a joke, it's much much simpler.

Three steps proces

1. open your firefox and type about:config in adress bar (the place where u usually type, without that http thingy
2. find option browser.tabs.tabMinWidth and change the value to 0 --
3. restart your lovely firefox, and start it again..

Saturday, January 20, 2007

making your firefox browser load faster

Download your Firefox here

This will make your pages load even faster.

1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:


Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

2. Alter the entries as follows: (by double clicking them)

Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once. (I changed mine to 100, works great.)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Create a Fully Modded PHPbb forum

1. Well once you get the file onto your computer, your going to need an FTP client. You can also use Core FTP, just do a Google search for it, and theres a free version, which I use, and is just great.

2a. I'm guessing you already have an unzipping program to unzip the file you're downloading, so we'll skip that step.

2b. Go to On the left side, e little below the top, click on the Zip link, which will download the file. Unzip the file you just got.

3. Once all the files have been unzipped from the main file you just got, find the folder that you unzipped all the files to. It should be name pretty much the same thing as the big file you just got.

4. Rename the folder to whatever you want. The one I use is "Forum" because the name of my forum is "Hancuk dot kom", for Community Forum. You will probably be happy to use a folder name such as "forum" or other so when your users go to your site, it will be easy to remember. Also, whatever you name this folder, will be the folder name of your forum. For instance, this forum, they use "forums" I think you get the point.

5. Now open your FTP program, and enter the details of your login, which you should get via e-mail, these include the FTP site, which may be a series of numbers, like or something like that. Or if you don't get any numbers, just use or whatever your site is, with an "ftp." before it. Now enter your username and password, which will most likely be with the e-mail that hass all the numbers and stuff.

6. Once connected, (I'm assuming your using Core FTP, but most FTP programs are very similar) use the left side (windows) to find the folder that you renamed from step 4. And just find it, don't open it or anything. Then on the right, there should be some folders, one of them being "public_html", open that folder. If you don't have that folder, PM me, and I'll explain more.

7. Now that you are in the public_html folder, go ahead and drag the folder you renamed, over to inside the public_html folder, it will start to que up files, queing takes only a minute or two, but transferring for me can take up 45 minutes to an hour. Now if you want to take a break, go for it, the FTP program should do all the work from here.

8. After your break, head over to the CPanel, that comnes with your account. Use the same username and password that you used to sign into FTP.

9. Find the link called "SQL databases" or somehting that has "SQL" in it. Probably "MySQL Databases". Click on the link. Now this is kind of confusing, but bear with me. Your going to need to add a database, call it "forum" and click "Add Database". the databse will then be called "YouUserName_forum" remember this.

10. Now go back to the part where you made the database. And find the two boxes together, one being username, and the other being password. This is where you are going to make a user for your database. Just enter "forum" as the username, and use whatever you want for the password, but remember the password. Click "Add User".

11. Now your going to assign the user you just made, to the database you made before. Find where it says "Add user to database" and there should be 2 drop down menus. One of them, being the user, and the second, the database. Don't worry about all those checkboxes, it should already be set on "All" for you. In the first drop-down, find "YouUserName_forum" and then in the second one, do the same thing. And click "Add user to database".

12. Now your done with CPanel. When your files have been transferred over, open a new window of whatever browser you use, or a new Tab (Ctrl + T) if you use Firefox. Go to your website. Which should be like or whatever, but after that, add "/forum". This should take you to the installation, if not, go back to your site, and add "/forum/install/install.php"

13. Now you have the installation page open. For Database Name, and Database User, enter "YourUserName_forum" and the password is whatever you set it to be when you made the user. Then go down, put in your e-mail, the Username you want to be your Administrator (I just use "Admin"). And the password you want to log in. These will be your username and password for your forum. Make sure all of the fileds are entered, leave the port and all that alone.

Just do what it says here. Now click Next, or Install, or whatever it says. Then a new page will open, if you have errors, PM me, if not, click Finish.

14. Now go back to your FTP thing, and on the right, the one that is your website, open the folder "forum" or whatever you named it, and delete the folder "install". Now go to your website plus the "/forum" and log in.

Your all set!

15. Somehting you will need to do, is in the Admin CP, click on the plus next to "General" then click on "Configuration". A new thing will pop up, and click on the plus next to "Cookie Settings". Make sure the cookie
domain is "" IT MUST HAVE THE "." before Then change the cookie name to whatever you want, no spaces. This step makes it so people don't have to log in twice to your forum every time.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Ftp Using Smartftp

Download SmartFTP here.

Orange box: this is where you type But if you own a subdomain, you might have to type in ; depends on your host. For example, my address would be

Orange red box: a bar that leads to properties, and more ftp stuff o_O. Some of them are just there, so don't worry about that bar.

Black box: Click this to get to your documents-- where you upload your stuff to your site.

Teal box: Teal box: You can click this to connect to your FTP. (another way to connect)

Dark turquoise box: this is your login information, say my user and password was apple and password was jacks -- put that in the boxes.

Dark Blue box: this is where you upload your stuff to your site-- highlight your stuff and then press the button that points to your ftp site (I press the one that points left).

Green box: it's a log to show how long or when its finished uploading your stuff onto your site.

What's my ftp address?

How do I know my FTP login information?
Your host should give it to you, if your host didn't ask again.

How come I don't see my directory?
Look back at the picture above and find the black box, click it and look for the folder with your content.

How to upload files:
You can highlight all the files you want to upload and drag it to your ftp browser.

by the way, you can see the full tutorial here

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Meditation Tutorial

This is a fairly well known meditation. Sit or lie with your body in a comfortable position. The room should be either dark or the lighting dim. If this is not possible, make sure your face faces away from the light. The room should also be quiet.

Now tighten all the muscles of your body, and fix your gaze on a spot straight ahead. Slowly begin to count down from hundred to zero - at the same time, begin to completely relax the muscles of your body, starting with your toes and moving upwards - first relax your toes, then the feet, then the calves, the thighs, stomach and back, arms, etc. - all the time, while you're doing this, continue to count down from 100 to 0. When the muscles of your face are relaxed (and of course, by this time, your whole body is relaxed as well), gently close your eyes. Now your body is completely relaxed

Now, with your eyes closed, imagine yourself in a crowded place, full of people, full of bright, glaring lights and loud noises. Imagine yourself going down an escalator, leaving the 'plane' of the noise behind. The next 'level' the escalator comes to is quieter - there are less people, less lights, less noise. You leave this plane behind too, and continue to move down on the escalator. The next level you come to is even quieter - there is hardly anyone about, not much noise at all, and the lights are positively dim.

You continue to move down, level by level, until you come to a point where it is perfectly dark, perfectly quiet, and you are completely alone. There is nothing in the universe now but you - in a sense, at this point, you ARE the universe - YOUR universe. You lie down on a bed (you don't see it, you just know it's there) - it is so comfortable, you are so calm and relaxed, so detached from everything, just a calm, calm being resting in the center of darkness, at the center of the universe. There is nothing but you.

Remain this way for some time. Feel peace. Then, when you are ready to 'leave', 'get on the escalator' and rise again to the level of light and noise and indeed, the level of life The meditation is complete.

I trust this will be useful to someone. It is very good for reducing stress and calming the mind.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Download Videos From Sites & Convert It., especially sites like youtube, google etc...

This tutorial shows you how to download videos from sites like YouTube, Google, Break etc, which runs is in the extension of .flv(Flash Video), and then convert it to .avi or .mpg format.

First of all, go to

This site support the download of the sites listed below.
Angry Alien, ArtistDirect, Blastro, Blennus,, Bofunk, Bolt,, Castpost, Current TV, Dailymotion, DevilDucky, FindVideos, Free Video Blog, Google Video, Grinvi, Grouper, iFilm, LuluTV, Metacafe,,,, MySpace, MySpace Video Code, Newgrounds, PcPlanets, Pixparty, Putfile, REVVER, Sharkle, StreetFire, That Video Site, The One Network, VideoCodes4U, VideoCodesWorld, VideoCodeZone, vidiLife,, Vimeo, vSocial,, YouTube and ZippyVideos.

Then you'll be greeted by a line which tells you to download video direct from sites. Now go to your video site which you want to download from, then find the video that you wanted to download. Then when the page of the video you desire is loaded, click on the address bar of the page you wanted and right click it, then click "copy".

Go back to the KeepVid site and paste the address into the textbox there(right click on the textbox and click paste) and select the site that you are downloading from at the right drop down menu. Then click download.

A box will show up below label grey in color with the word "Download" in the heading... Right click on the "›› Download Link ‹‹" and click save as. Change the file extension to .flv. Wait for the video to finish the downloading. And then when it's finished the flash video is now save into your computer.

Now time for converting into a nice .avi or .mpg format which we can easily deal with.

Go to

Download the Riva FLV Encoder 2 and save it into your desktop. Run the installer and follow the instruction. After it has finished installing, open up the Riva FLV Encoder. Then at the input section click on the browse button, and search for the video you have downloaded. Then click on the browse button of the output section and select your destination folder. The default output name will be shown with extension .flv and change the output name extension to .avi or .mpg instead of .flv. Play with those settings at the right to ensure you get the correct video you wanted. Then click the encode button.

Note: Some encoding will result in the lost of audio. If in that case happens I suggest you use Audacity and combine with the .avi or .mpg product from your encoding.

I've not encounter this problem but I'll try to experiement with this features and then edit this tutorial again with the fix.

During encoding, there may be a FFMPEG window which will popup and will disappear once the encoding is finish.

There you are, a nicely done up video in the extension you wanted from a site you think you could never download from! I've tried it out a couple of times and it works great! Hope you guys will like this tutorial.

PS: There maybe a certain codec you need to download in order to view your video, go to to download the codec.

thx to hype at for making this tutorial :)